Monday, 22 January 2007

Karin Damrau

Dear Mr. Joly, dear Mr. Gallanti, dear all,

First of all I'am very sorry that I'am answering late. To introduce myself to everybody: I'am a german architect, a fellow from march to august 2006. I'am already well-informed about the urbanity project by Mr. Joly and I'am pretty much interested in it. I would like to participate with great pleasure.

My proposal: during the time at Solitude I developed a series of projects under the title "city games". The projects are all approaching the issue of urban and social phenomenons. By introducing a kind of game into the urban context, a sensibilisation for these phenomena is taking place. The "city games" offer the opportunity to influence the urban context by taking part in the game.

I picked out five sites where temporary installations might be conceived.
Site one: Gute Nacht Stuttgart - Good Night Stuttgart. Neues Schloss Stuttgart.
Site two: Stadtwaage - city-balance. Stuttgart - Straßbourg
Site three: Himmel und Hölle - heavan and hell. Schloß Solitude Stuttgart.
Site four: Jukebox. Wallraff-Platz Köln.
Site five: Gute Nacht Köln - Good Night Cologne. Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln.

The games are described in the form of images and functional diagrams, as well as texts (all computer graphics). Therefore I would suggest to present them with one are two video projectors.

Looking forward to hear from you and meet you.

Greetings, Karin

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